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Facebook is world top social networking site. World's people are getting engaged with Facebook day by day. The number of engaging people with Facebook are increasing day by day. And thus Facebook is getting more popular over time. People are sharing their feelings, emotions, ideas with their friends on Facebook gradually. And by this way, Facebook is becoming a platform of gathering friends and engaging themselves.

Usually, When we need friends we try to figure out someone and we send a friend request to that person. But we know many of our sent requested person for friendship are not regular on Facebook. On the other side, Some of very conservative who never accepted friend request at mass rate. That's why some of our friends requests remains unaccepted. Whenever This unaccepted rate increase than the accepted rate and we remain busy to send friend requests Facebook consider it spam. As a result, Facebook may block our power for sending friend request for a while. The blocking period may increase day by day if You continue the task and you do not get accepted by your sent friendship requested persons. However, The way is knowing who are accepting our requests and who are not. But the question produced that How to know who has not accepted friend request on Facebook and How to cancel friend request not accepted on Facebook. If you have that question, let's start to find out the answer.

Before starting the trick, You should know that finding answer on How to cancel request not accepted in Facebook is a simple trick. Whenever we sent friend request to someone in Facebook, We become as follower immediately and remain until they accepted our friend requests according to Facebook rules. So, It is good checking our followings for find out the answer of question called How to cancel request not accepted in Facebook .  Consequently, For this, Go to this link. There you will find two tab named one Followers and another Following.

Click on Following tab. Then you will got a list of persons who have not accepted your friend request till today. So, You can cancel  your sent friend request from this page in Facebook. For this take the mouse on 'Following' below or near the name of a person. It can be following scenario...

Now, When you click on Unfollow, or Following button(If this work directly on your timeline), You will be started unfollow that person means Your sent friend request will be cancel.

So this is the trick of the question titled How to cancel request not accepted in Facebook. Isn't a simple trick of Facebook?