How To Find Out & Cancel Sent Friend Requests on Facebook

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Facebook is the most popular social networking giant. No doubt that Facebook authority is trying to make it more user friendly day by day. Energetic Engineers of Facebook are working on the development of Facebook.

If you are looking for knowing how to find out and cancel sent friend requests on Facebook, You are on the right page. Because I am going to share a simple trick to find out and cancel sent friend request on Facebook. By following this trick, You can be able to find out your sent friend request and cancel those friend requests if you want to cancel. Let's start!

I'll narrate this finding out and canceling sent request trick for Facebook in total eight(8) steps. By following these all steps, You can be able to do this.

Step-1: You first need to log in your Facebook Account from a Computer.
Step-2: Once you log in, You'll refer to Facebook Home. But you need to go your own profile page or Facebook timeline. Click Here to go your timeline.

Step-3: Find out "Activity Log" just upper right hand of your status bar and on your cover photo. Click on that log.

Step-4:  After clicking on "Activity Log", You should find out the following picture which has been given below. On that, Find out the text "more' and Click on that.

Step-5: After clicking on "MORE", You will find out the following picture which has been given below. There is a text named "Friends" on that picture. Click on that.

If you click on the text "Friends" You will be directed to a page where you will get the below picture which indicates that "you have sent friend request to someone". The task of finding out friend request has been completed. And now the task is canceling friend request has come.

Step-6: To cancel your sent friend request on Facebook, bring your mouse cursor on name of the person whom you was sent a friend request earlier. Check out below picture.

By doing this, You will be able to know weather the person has accepted your friend request or not! However, If the person has not accepted your friend request and you want to cancel this request, Just follow these two steps which are given below.

Step-7: Now to cancel your sent friend request, Click on "Friend Request Sent". You will get the following picture.

Step-8: After clicking on "Cancel Request" which has been describe in step-7, You will get a confirmation box which ask you to confirm your decision.

When You will click on "Cancel Request" narrated above picture, It means you've confirmed the cancellation process. So, Your sent friend request will be cancel.

Although Here I've presented 8 steps to make you crystal clear, But once you'll do it, You will find out this process is very simple and your mind will pick this trick within very short time. So, If you need, Just apply the trick to find out Facebook sent friend request and cancel those request on Facebook by following above simple trick.